What does it take for a common person to become a hero? What happens when a few anonymous heroes work together for a common goal?
During world war II Spain declares itself neutral land. But some spanish citizens see that the fight that is held in the continent is also their fight: they dedice to collaborate with the french resistance in network that retrieves information about nazi activities, risking their liberty and lives. This network manages to send some important files to London, but also helps saving many refugies' lives.
For this network the International Railwaytation of Canfranc, enclosed in the Huesca's Pyrenees, becomes an important strategic point. It's the last frontier of the occupied Europe and the spot from which it is possible to send the spies' reports to London through Saragosse, San Sebastian and Madrid.
The new documentary Juego de Espías -game of spies- (2013, Ramón J. Campo y Germán Roda) tells us how these persons have taken part in this silent fight. In features interviews with their descendents and even with some of those who are still alive. The film reminds us how important historic memory is, and the responsability we all have when liberty is in jeopardy.
This monday the 16th, spectators from Huesca have enjoyed this film projected in the Olimpia Theatre with the presence of director Ramón J. Campo.