The province
Located in the north of Spain, Huesca is an amazing land. It offers a wide range of outstanding locations for photography, film or TV production.
Huesca's rich variety of landscapes takes us in no time to inspiring atmospheres: desert lands that reminds us of westerns and road movies, green seas of spring weath animated by the wind for the calm, emotional moment of the story, or snowy summits in high mountain zones, just to name a few examples. In fact, the Pyrenees are already an endless source of exceptional natural scenarios. Each season shows a different charm, always with an easy way to reach the right place. Your dreamed shot is surely waiting somewhere in Huesca.
Nature and farming have also helped generating unique green spaces. In the north, beech forest ligths in exquisite warm tones during autumn, while, in the south, olive trees and vineyards convey an everlasting mediterranean feeling. Almond trees blossom in white announcing spectacularly the arrival of springtime.
The rich cultural and historical legacy of Huesca offers unique sites, from medieval castles, to imperial military fortresses, hermitages, monasteries or cathedrals creating a visual narration of other times.
Its geographical diversity has generated some interesting architectural and countryside pictures in many different styles. Villages are adapted to their surroundings, blending gracefully with the landscape as they share its same materials and colors. Black slate roofs and grey stone walls in mountain zones make contrast with how houses are built in the plains, using sandstone and arabic tiles.
Finally, if you look for some nice, modern and european architecture, our cities have it too. Find some images of Huesca here: locations in Huesca.
The province is well equiped in terms of transportation, accommodation, catering as of many other services that make it the right place to host any production project. Its connections to Madrid, Barcelona and Saragosse, grant to Huesca the benefits of a wide range of extra production services beyond those locally available.
Some stills
Useful info
Geographical data
Huesca is the province that belongs to the north of the region of Aragon in Spain. Its capital is the city of Huesca.
Neighbouring lands to the north: France to the east: Catalonia to the south: the province of Saragosse to the west: Navarra
Time offset to GMT: standard time zone: GMT +1 summer daylight saving time: +1 current time zone offset: 2 hours
Amount of sunshine (city of Huesca)
june 21st sunrise 6:25 | sunset 21:45 15h 20min of direct sun + magic hours
december 21st sunrise 8:26 | sunset 17:36 9h 10min of direct sun + magic hours
Total amount of sunshine 2900 hours of sun a year
Meteorology (city of Huesca)
Rain average 62 cloudy or rainny days per year
Average temperatures (alt. 488m): january: 1.3 - 8.5°C july: 16.3 - 30.8°C
Weather information aemet | accuweather
Trip times and distances
Huesca-Madrid: 394 km, 4h 00min, highway trip 2h 05min, high speed train
276 km, 2h 50min, highway trip
Huesca-Zaragoza: 75 km, 50min, highway trip 44min, high speed train
Huesca-Toulouse: 319 km, 5h 00min, road trip
Traffic information Directorate General of Traffic
Neighbouring airports
Saragosse, connections to: London, Paris, Brussels, Milan Sevilla, Tenerife, Mallorca
Helpful phone numbers
Emergencies: 112 National police: 091 Local police: 092 Civil Guard: 062 Firemen, Huesca: 974 220 000 Traffic: 011
Currency: euro | converter
Available infrastructure - production companies and pros - numerous hotel beds | accomodation facilities - catering suppliers and restaurants - first class roads - railway connections - hospitals and health centers - broad service offer
Security Huesca is a very secure and comfortable place for film shooting or for any other activity.
Gastronomy excellent local food and gourmet great local wines
Recomended activities adventure: skiing;, rafting, paragliding, canyoning... relax: spas y health resorts